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I'm the Queen of the World!!!!
11.06.02 @ 14:57

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Good Charlotte - The Festival Song

I'm The Anthem!  What GC song are you?
Which Good Charlotte song are you?

Hmm, hehe, my favorite song off the album actually.

Well today has been a great day. It actually starts yesterday. The anatomy lab exam went very well as I said in the post from yesterday. Then today while Marita and I were sitting in the Brew (i.e. our coffee shop) a guy from my Phil class (I don't know how to spell his name and don't feel like fucking it up trying) asked if I thought the quiz was going to be today. Well I said that I was hoping it'd be Friday. He was thinking that there wasn't going to be a quiz. That this was just a scare tactic to get us to read. Well, I said to Marita that my Prof. could through anything at me today and I would pass with flying colours. And I did. I got all five right without batting an eyelash. I love Aquinas. Anyways, it's amazing how getting five little true/false questions right can boost your self confidence. I feel like the world could fall around me and I would be standing tall. Jarrod, Anthony, and Benjamin could do almost anything and I would remain calm.

I love how people notice that your confident through your walk. When I was walking back to the dorm in the walk of confidence, back straight, shoulders back, head up, etc, these two girls walked past me and I heard "She thinks she fucking owns the world." Well, right now I feel like I do, is there a problem with that? I think not. Confidence is a beautiful thing. I am ready at this exact moment to take on the world and I think that I shall.

The world or my philosophy paper......

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