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The current mood of at

Jared can go and suck my fucking cunt
11.09.02 @ 16:25

Diaryring of the Day:

Now Playing: The Gravity games are on but I cannot watch them

Well, it seems as if we have to get the Office of Res Life involved.

Last night they started at 11:30. Yes it's a Friday night, they have the right to have some fun. But to have my bed shake because they decide to turn up the bass is beyond ridiculous. This has been going on for more than a month. We have called up to their room and it lasts no more than an hour. The RA's have gone up there and they calm down for about five minutes. Just long enough for the RA to go back down to the first floor. They have spoken to the hall director. He has in turn spoken with Marita, only, over the phone, stating that he knows the opinions of the three of us and that we are being too stringent. Now mind you, he only spoke with Marita. This has gone beyond my patience level.

Jarrod is a senator for MUSG, our student government. I would hope that he would be a little more respectful that he has been. Last night we ended up going downstairs wanting to write a formal report. The guy at the front desk was talking to them on the phone and told them that we were downstairs. now we had two shadows up in the room. When we came back up they, the shadows, told us that they (room 721) were pounding on the floor. Is this how a senator for the student government should be acting in front of prospective students? I would think not.

And wouldn't common sense tell you to pay attention to the level of the bass when we call to have them turn it down and when we don't call. Obviously they have not the decency to respect us and us their common sense. Something needs to get done because if I fail my finals, I will be blaming Jarrod, Anthony, Benjamin, and our hall director Jason.

So right now we are writing a letter to the Assistant Vice President and Dean of the Office of Res Life. This letter will be sent also to the MUSG president. I should writ e a letter to the Office of Res Life telling them how Jason has not acted in this manner. He has basically taken the guys side without ever talking to all three of us.

Sorry about the obnoxious amount of diaryrings of the day, but I am beyond pissed

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