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The current mood of at

Take a wild guess about what I am talking about today
11.10.02 @ 18:15

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Disturbed - Conflict (very appropriate isn't it?)

Well the letter to the MUSG president, legislative VP, and dean of Res Life has been written. Last night was bad. At 11:52p.m. this really loud bass-driven music began. The beds shook furiously. I honestly almost pissed myself. It was a very scary thing. It had been tolerably quiet and then to have this sudden rave-ish noise blaring is enough to send me over the edge. I'm ashamed that the shadow had to be here when that happened. If I had shadowed and that had happened, I wouldn't want to go to that school. Hell, I don't know if I want to be here anymore. Honestly, is my yearning for some kind of silence, or at least not having my bed rattle, being too stringent? I don't get it. Someone please tell me that I'm not being bitchy about my requests. I'm honestly at my wits end and I know Marita and Sarah are as well.

I would have thought that Jason would have been willing to settle this without getting our parents involved. obviously not, I have been told that Jason only gets things done when the parents are involved. All I have to say to this is that he is in for some fun. My parents have a tendancy to not let things go. And as far as I know Marita's parents are exactly the same.

I don't get it. I thought that Hall Directors were supposed to be mediators between two sides of a dispute that had to do with dorm living. Obviously Jason does not feel that this is what is entailed in his job. Now Res Life has to get invovled. I didn't want things to go this far but it appears that I have been left no choice.

Welcome to the real world boys of 721. Mommy and Daddy aren't going to be able to buy me off. My conscience will not allow me to do so. Time for you to learn how to take responsibility for your actions.

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