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The current mood of at

Motivation Proclamation
11.13.02 @ 17:17

Diaryring of the Day:

Now Playing: Good Charlotte - Hold On

Well so far so good with the guys of 721. Without giving them too much credit, I do see there being a possiblity of things working out.

Here's something funny. If you go to and search for queer duck cast (those three together), my diary comes up as the fourth or so match. Interesting huh?

Anyways, I want to change the template. I actually want to center it around Billy for Good Charlotte. A very kind d-lander by the name of angelic-pnay has been kind enough to allow me to use her Billy blend for the site, with me obviously giving her all the credit in the world. Thanks!!!! Anyways, this will be my one step into teeny-bopperdom, but I don't care. He's a cutie yes, but the music was there first. Get it? Got it? Good. I wish my hair would grow faster so that I can cut it.

So here's some stuff that no one cares about:

Today in Philosophy we had a ten question quiz on Descartes. Well he went over the answers (I passed the quiz with flying colours) and asked if anyone aced it. Seeing as how he was so impressed with his questions I thought I would boost his ego a little only to bring it down, so I didn't raise my hand. Sometimes I think I am a evil person, but then I just remember that I am a sado-masochist and I get pleasure out of this type of stuff. I found out yesterday that I did pretty well on my Anatomy test, so I no longer am so worried about that class and I will not worry about getting any lower than a B/C in that class. Hopefully I will be able to stay on the Dean's List and not have any loans for this semester. Which brings me to a wonderful thought.

What do those students whose parents are paying for college have to motivate them to do well? I mean I have the "If you make the Dean's list, we will pay your loans for that semester." So technically if I am able to stay on the Dean's list all four years, I will leave this place debt free. Nice, I know. But this is my parents way of motivating me to do well, I have seen what debt has done to our family. I was old enough when my dad quit his job to go back to school to understand the difficulties of having one person working and the consequences of having to refinance the house, shop only at Aldi's (it's not a bad thing), and not be able to go out shopping because you don't have the money to pay the credit card bills. Having seen this and getting the opportunity to start out without having to live like this (I am coming from a solid middle class family), in debt, worrying about paying bills, is enough to get my ass moving. I wonder what there is for those people who don't have this opportunity. Besides a great paying job which rarely comes to you right after college, I don't see anything. So you have a degree, what are you going to do with it? Unless you're on a track where the demand for people of your field increases every year (a VERY rare thing), the odds of you finding a job that pays excellent are slim to none. Then factor in job security and I would be scared to death if lab technicians weren't needed around the world. So pay and security aren't there for motivation, then what is there? I don't know many people like this so I am guessing there aren't many people out there who are motivated to do well soley to further their own knowledge and understanding of the world.

Now I'm not trying to say that those people who are not being offered the same proposition that I am have no motivation to do well, but I am wondering what motivates those who are entering here scot free and leaving here the same to succeed to school. Is it prestige? the internal push? personal freedom? yearning to get away?

Just my random of the day.

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