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The current mood of at

Post-modernism sucks ass
12.10.02 @ 09:20

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: I've got Disturbed - Awaken running through my head. MMMMM.......

Well, once again my crotch is a hurting. This time it is a result of that wonderful friend of mine making it's appereance three and a half weeks after ovulation. Figures. Anyways.....

Yeah so it's dry season for my skin. Now I don't dry out during the summer when its about 90 some odd degrees out. No it happens during the winter. I hate this, I have to go and get more moisturizing lotion crap and slather it all over my body. Ugh......

On to something that doesn't have to do with my body malfunctioning. I have my Theology Final today and I have to review Modernism and Post-modernism. Everytime I look at the post-modern stuff I hate it more and more. Community orientated my ass. Thats a little hard when you accepted modernist ideals for day-to-day stuff. Do people not get that the day-to-day stuff is what makes a person. No wonder why people are all selfish little bastards that say they are doing it for the community but in reality all they want is the tax break.

Oh well, maybe something worthwhile will be put up here, but I highly doubt it seeing as how my life is quite boring right now.

Quotes for today:

Confucious say: "You can go and suck my cunt."
"Descartes can go suck my de-cunt."
"What so you won't eat the pizza if it's been in a zip-lock bag?"

~All from me

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