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The current mood of at

01.17.03 @ 14:37

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Hot Water Music

Wow, I love how half of the people who come to my diary are looking for quotes by someone, mostly Joel and Benji Madden.

Well, that bad 'Mr. Jones' rendition that was happening upstairs was really Jared. Supposedly he had some friend who has an acoustic guitar (needs to learn how to play though, very choppy) and they 'jammed', as Anthony put it. I just hope to God that they don't start listening to Deadsy, Mineral, Bright Eyes, and the others. Acoustic Deadsy is just not right, and the others are acoustic enough as it is and Jared's singing royally sucks.

My allergies have decided to act up again. I really wish that it would freeze, this is going to be a hell of a year if you ask me.

You know how people say that when you go to college, you change? Yeah, well it only took a year and a half for me to even start changing. I don't know what the changes are, but I can feel them. When I figure them out I will let you all know so that you can either prepare for them or figure out a way to avoid them.

Umm, it seems that there isn't really anything that I want to debate or what not. Maybe as time progresses and we start getting into more debatable stuff in Political Science. We'll see. I am now off to write out key terms for the Poly Sci class, laterz!

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