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The current mood of at

Too much fuel and the fire can't burn
02.27.03 @ 19:54

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Metallica - Wherever I May Roam (S&M version)

I truly think I have a sinus infection. My yearly winter sinus infection to be exact. It's a little late, but then again so was winter. The stuffiness, the draining, the bloody nose, etc. It is all there and I have all the drugs to take care of it. HaHa!

I really hate being rushed. More importantly, I hate when people make me feel rushed. If you want to be somewhere twenty minutes earlier than I want to be there, don't wait for me. Go to wherever you want to go. Don't make me feel like I'm going to make you late (although I know that I'm not). I don't appreciate it at all. Don't expect me to be happy when this type of shit happens to me. I am more than aware of the time, how long it takes me to get there, and how long it takes me to get ready to leave. Very rarely, have I been late for something and when I have, the majority of the time I was late due to something totally out of my hands. I'm rushed enough as it is. Although I like this small bit of rush, I don't like adding to it. You can only add so much fuel to the fire, before the fire dies.

Well, amazingly, I have almost nothing to do. I am going to use this time to get ahead in readings but also to sit and relax. Hopefully, this flare up in my winterly sinus infection will die down soon.

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