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The current mood of at

04.28.03 @ 20:34

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Just the sound of the fan

I swear that God has died...

Reality TV Channel Planned

Apr 28, 12:22 AM EST

Associated Press

The audience appetite for reality television could be tested by a planned cable channel that will offer a diet of all reality, all the time.

Reality Central, scheduled to debut in early 2004, is being developed by Larry Namer, co-founder of E! Entertainment Television, and Blake Mycoskie, a businessman who was a reality show contestant.

Namer and Mycoskie contend that reality TV has proved its staying power and can attract and hold enough viewers for a niche channel.

"Reality is now a genre, just like any other genre," Namer said in an interview last week. The venture was to be announced Monday.

"Right now it has a cultlike following, and we're not saying that's going to exist forever," he said. "But I think this type of programming will remain a genre just by the basic economics of it and what it does for a network."

Networks have found success with such hit series as Fox's "American Idol" and CBS' "Survivor." The shows are especially popular among the young adult viewers favored by advertisers.

On a good note I will not have to take my Political Science Final and I have started my Drama paper that is due by next Wed ( I had all semester to do it). Another good note, there is a slight hint of rain in the rain.

Saw Tracy Morgan on Saturday. He was ok. He was funny don't get me wrong, and yes I understand the whole anti-profanity clause thing, but do we really have to talk about sex for an hour? If I wanted that I would watch more t.v. I wouldn't have snubbed you if you made some Bush jokes. You're a comedian, making fun of political officials is part of your job. Oh well, I still enjoyed it though.

Ahh, the night breeze is very cool and there is no dead fish smell from the lake. Alas, I must go and actually do something worthwhile today.

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