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The current mood of at

05.17.03 @ 17:06

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Just the stupid washer....

Yeah so it's been over a week since I have spoken. Sorry.

Well, the Ataris album (So Long, Astoria) is awesome. AFI (Sing the Sorrow) is amazing. Taproot (Welcome) isn't the greatest but its much better than I actually planned on. I still have to sit and listen to the (hed)P.E. album to make any comment.

I sometimes really hate being home. There is no pleasing my mother. Not that the house is clean right now, but even when we really clean it's always "good enough I guess," never better than what she was hoping for. I'm not saying that my mother should become this maniac cleaning machine, but come on if the suitcase is sitting out and it bothers you, put it away, don't wait to yell at someone to do it for you. Oh and I thought the rule was if you wash, you dry, and you fold. I guess I'm the only one that has to follow that rule. And I guess I have way to much clothing, even though every other time that Amvets or Vietnam Veterans calls, I have at least one or two bags to give away. Even when I'm away at school, I've already decided which clothes can go the next time I go home. And yet I only take up a fourth of my closet and I only have four out of five drawers with clothes in them. A half of my closet is her clothes, I have her clothes hanging on my door, her closet is full, and she has some clothes in a bushel that she has no room for. I'm not asking much but please for God's sake, take your own damn advice.

I had to work all last week, even though there was nothing to do most of the time so I had to make myself look 'busy.' What did I do? I went into the other room and took cat naps. Kept me busy.

Well, I am off to finish checking mail and then clean some of the room. I'm trying to go through this stuff. Hopefully I can actually get rid of some of it. Laters.

I so want to go back to school.

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