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The current mood of at

07.02.03 @ 20:10

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Our Lady Peace - Life


That is not something a thirteen year old wants to here, let alone some one who is less than two months away from being twenty. Goddammit. I can vote for president for pete's sake.

Well, according to Mary, the girl, or I should say woman, who is the part time receptionist at the office. I'm a youngster and there are somethings that shouldn't be said in front of me. All I have to say is two things.

1) College

2) Mancow (people in Chicago will know)

Between the two I probably have heard/done/seen things that she couldn't even imagine. Yet I can't here what was said on a Free Speech Radio program. I'm not even factoring in the conversations my family haas when we talk, which can be pretty interesting to say the least. You belong in my family if you can have an entire conversation on body functions.

The thing is, the stuff that she said the program talked about, I've written papers on. Abortion, gay rights, and a few others.

If she treats me like a two year old again, she will be getting a verbal reminder that I am almost on my own.

She's also one of those people who has an opinion about everything, even when they have no clue about it. She complains about the HIPPA law, it's so picky according to her. Un yeah, right, maybe if she had actually read some of the compliance letters that you get, she'd realize that it's nothing more than a legal contract stating that the patient's information won't be shared or bought, which has been the status quo, for the majority, already. No big thing. She also doesn't understand why the law has to go into such detail. But try explaining that the law is specific to minimize loopholes to her is a quaranteed lost battle. You can't explain anything to her, at least I can't. I'm just a kid, what do I know.

Oh well, enough bitching. Off to read more "Virus Hunters of the CDC" Take that Miss know-it-all Mary.

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