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The current mood of at

Happy Happy Joy Joy
06.28.02 @ 16:45

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: E! True Hollywood Story on Jane Fonda

hello hello. today has been a very good day I say. We got all of what we were supposed to do done. Plus I cleaned most of my room. There's just a little bit more that I can get done tonight, no problem. Tomorrow I think I'll tackle the socks and downstairs, since laundry will be all done.

It's disgusting how excited I am about the Filter and Our Lady Peace shows. Even thought they are over 1 month away. I think it's because they're at small venues. Filter is at the house of blues and Our Lady Peace is at the Vic.

Vicky called. It was soo cool. I was so happy to her here voice. I miss all my friends. It's so hard to get together, we're either working, some have school, others just don't seem to want to get together.

Thought of the Day:

This is from a forward Marita sent.

If I could catch a rainbow

I would do it just for you and share with you its beauty

On the days you're feeling blue.

If I could build a mountain

You could call your very own

A place to find serenity

A place to be alone

If I could take your troubles

I would toss them ! in the sea

But all these things I'm finding are impossible for me.

I cannot build a mountain

Or catch a rainbow fair

But let me be what I know best-

A friend who's always there.

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