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The current mood of at

happy day
04.08.02 @ 18:26

Diaryring of the Day:
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hello. I'm having a very sweet day. My theology exam went extremely well. The last question was You do not have to list the ecumenical councils, write out the Ten Commandments, or the Nicean Creed. Have a nice day....Good Luck.

How fucking sweet is that??

One of the other questions was Make up you own question regarding theology (something like that) and answer it.

I of course had to mix the Renaissance/Reformation and bashing humanity. It was too much fun. I did Why did the Roman Catholic Church wait so long to respond to the Reformation, or rather to Luther and other reforms of the time?

I decorated the Smirnoff Ice bottle, it looks good. It could've used some more colors, like a little lighter shades of some stuff but thats ok. I'm going home this weekend, so excited. I haven't really been home in God knows how long. I wasn't really home for spring break and didn't go home for Easter. I need some time to just be me. Hopefully I'm going to buy some new roller blades. Someone actually joined my ring that I created, I'm surprised that I was the first person to create an apolo/olympic one. God, the e-mail lists that I wwas on were obnoxious with the amount of e-mails that they sent daily.

Thought of the Day:

Did you ever notice that Evian bottled water is Naive spelled backwards?


Hehee, tomorrow is the Osbornes, I'm jumping up and down in excitement, If you can imagine that. Wait, no, don't imagine that, just take my word for it.

"Lay your hands on me, Lay your hands on me, Lay your hands me....I'm a fighter, I'm a poet, I'm a preacher

I've been to school and baby, I've been the teacher

If you show me how to get up off the ground

I can show you how to fly and never ever come back down

Everything you want is what I need

Satisfaction's guaranteed

But the ride don't never ever come for free

If you want me to lay my hands on you"

Can ya tell what I'm watching???

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