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The current mood of at

I'm sorry.
10.27.02 @ 18:47

Diaryring of the Day:

Now Playing: A cd that I burned that basically has Filter, Disturbed, and Godsmack as the main contributers (with a couple of others)

I hate anatomy. I hate anatomy. It is quite disgusting that I am taking a course that I hate, that I feel has no relevence to my career, and that my advisors don't understand why it is part of the curriculum. it's one of those what the hell do I have to know this for type classes. And for once, I really don't have to know this for the life of me. This is making the class all the more difficult. I am so sick of the brain, the metencephalon, the medulla, etc. I don't give two shits. Did you hear that Dr. Cullinan?!? I don't give two shits. You are boring. I'm sorry I'm not a neurophysiologist and I don't think that I have to know every little detail about the brain. Nor do I feel that someone can learn everything that you want us to learn in two weeks without going fucking insane.

In other news.....

Marita, Sarah, and I went to Ed Debevic's yesterday for dinner. The food was good, I love their cheese fries. Anyways, the fun part was the ride there. We took the bus because that is the only way besides walking there. Well we got on the bus and didn't see any seats for the three of us, so we stood towards the back. Well we were by the back door and some lady was all "There are more than enough seats, why don't they sit down. No they're too good for that so they stand right here......" Well I turned to Sarah and faintly mummbled "What the hell is here problem?" Then she(the lady) asked if I wanted some chips or whatever. So I politely said "No thank you." I didn't think anything of it. Well this large man ended up getting of the bus, opening up another seat so that all three of us could sit down. So we did. I was basically facing the side of the bus that this lady was on and we were behind her. I was looking out the window and she kept looking back at us, well me actually. Well, I didn't think anything of it, no biggie right? Well, actually it was, to this lady anyways. One time when she looked at me I ended up making eye contact. I basically got bitched at for 'staring' at her. I said that I wasn't, but she rejected that saying that she could 'feel' me looking at her. Then she was going on about how she got her food of the truck and some shit. I was having a semi-good day and didn't want to ruin it. So, I wasn't really paying attention. I guess she said something about how the dorm food must be bad or something, I don't know. It's like I'm sorry that you had to get food from charity. I truly am sorry. I'm sorry that you don't have the money that my parents supposedly have to spend. I'm going to be entering the real world with a shit load of debt on my ass. I'll be working for the rest of my life, as are my parents. I really am sorry, but I don't appreciate you flat out blaming me, me personally, for your problems. I didn't do this to you. Please, please don't blame me. I hope that something good will happen so that you will no longer have to live this way and I am going to be working as hard as I can so that something similar to whatever happened to you will not happen to me. And maybe I will be able to do something so that this does not happen to other people.

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