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Good day turned ugly night
04.21.02 @ 20:50

Diaryring of the Day:
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Hello Hello. I actually wrote this offline and just cut n� pasted. I�m getting the impression that I cannot call my house when she is in the room. Not like she doesn�t talk on the phone when I�m in the room. I�m sorry for wanting to talk to my parents. Thank God for Metallica, there�s nothing like metal and symphonic sounds together. Yeah when I picked up the cordless to call my house, I got a dirty look, like �Do you have to call now?� Umm hello, do you have to call as soon as you walk in the door, or do you have to talk so fucking loud into the phone? Whatever, if I want to call my house, the less than once a week that I do, I am going to. You are not the fucking Queen of the world. I don�t have to follow your every wish, I may not even follow a single damn one. There is only one queen in my life and that is Coco (for all those who don�t know, my dog Coco thinks she runs the house). And I am not sorry if I was talking to loud, or if my talking to my parents about getting the car fixed so that I have it for finals week and get my ass out of here as soon as possible, or if the talk about my room next year bothers you.

So after I got off the phone, I had to use the bathroom. But before I got up, the cable went out, both of them jumped up as if the world was going to end if they didn�t get the cable back. Geez, it�s just the damn television. Yeah, so I go to the bathroom and when I come out I�m getting a dirty look, as usual. I guess I can�t take advantage of modern plumbing So, I was taking care of my battle scares, specifically putting the Neosporin on my knee, and putting some on my ear because it seems that the one piercing was infected or something. So while I was doing that my one pinky finger hit the inside of my ear and it felt like it needed a cleaning, despite the daily cleaning it gets in the morning. Again I�m back in the bathroom getting a q-tip. I guess I can�t clean my ears without getting glared at. So all I have to say is �Suck it, firefucking dickweed.� ( I have to give Rachel�s friend Ben credit for that fun phrase).

This all happened within the past half-hour or so. Before that all was going just fine. I had a lazy day, watched the Bon Jovi Crush DVD again, listened to some Metallica, got the little bit of work I needed to get done today done, did the laundry, slept until about eleven (after getting up at seven to do laundry and not really getting to go back to bed until about quarter to nine).

I wasn�t tired today as I have been the last week. Maybe it�s a good sign. I really don�t want to go to Student Health and be poked and prodded. I�m just not up for it. The gland on the one side have gone down just a little bit. The other side is still as sore as it has been. It has been a long day and its only ten to nine. Oh well, got to read Biology.

Thought of the Day:

I�m in a pissed off mood so this is a classic quote being repeated.

�Martha Stewart can lick my scrotum.� ~Sharon Osborne

�Life is a sexually transmitted disease� ~unknown~ (I�m really digging this one right now, and I�m sure Marita can relate.)

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