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The current mood of at

Works sucks, my computer won't let me swear, and people suck so bad.
06.20.02 @ 18:53

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: NFG - My Friends Over You

I am so tired of people. I stopeed at the mall after work and ran into someone who I thought was a friend. I walked u to him and said hello, I wasn't expecting anything except a hey. yeah well I got the f*cking cold shoulder. I said hello again and he turned, looked, and turned back. Then I ran into his ex and it turns out he's not talking to any of his 'old' friends. Old being anyone who he doesn't go to school with. Oh well, I sent him an e-mail so I'm sure he'll read this. I hate when people do this to me. I've had crap like this done to me before. It's not fun, but I'll get through it.

My mom got p*ssed at me yesterday, cause I raised my voice. To bad she was yelling at me 'cause I couldn't remember something from December. I barely remember what happened today. OOHHHHHH Sublime is on MTV2. Hehe. Hopefully NFG will be next. That's the next CD I am getting, but not for a while, I wanna get my checking acount up.

Anyways, Sarah took my quiz thingy. SO happy. This is the highlight of my day.

No thought of the day again. I'm sorry I'm slacking, but there's no thinking going on in my head. I don't even think I'm going to write the editorial. I dunno.

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