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And Tuesday Just Might Go My Way
05.14.02 @ 21:13

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: nothing right now, I was too busy responding to the feedback

hey hey Today has been alright. I can't feel my fingers thanks to the "shredding" I had to do at work. Okay, just bidded on a Bon Jovi poster. I need my paycheck. LOL. Anyways, the toilets at work broke. Both of them. What are the odds. Well, that was the topic for the day. I took out the one cartilage earring, it was bothering me, I am tired of it getting infected. I will get it repierced, just going to let it heal, and hopefully they will not pierce the curve of my ear. Oh, I got a weird thought today. Well not weird, but not ordinary. I thought of what I want my hair to be. I was thinking short, really short in the back with blue tips and the bangs long and black. Anyways, that's as rebellious I get. I think that was it for today. Oh the one seller on Ebay left me some negatives. Like I care, please. She's just angry that I was hoping to get all the things in one package and only pay for one package. I had read her statements and understood completely. It doesn't hurt to ask does it? Obviously for her it does.

Thought of the Day:

"See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time."

* Robin Williams (Thanks Sarah)

Oh and the title is from Bon Jovi "Someday I'll Be Saturday Night" It's not ironic, nor satirical.

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