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The current mood of at

I think the Tweeter Center has taken security a little too far.......
06.16.02 @ 16:04

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: The fan and the washer running

hello hello. WEll I told you guys that I would have an entry about Pop Disaster last night. Well I't not going to be a very long one, thanks to security.

The show was great. Simple Plan and Saves the Day did a great job as warm-up. Green Day as always kicked ass. They were awesome, despite my missing a half hour due to t-shirt line. The had some girl come up and go backstage, fo no apparent reason. They started a little band for about two minutes. The guy who played guitar got to keep the one he played with. Those three went backstage I guess there was something about a pink bunny at the beginning, but I missed that. BLink was amazing as usual. I killed my calves and the back of my thighs. ALmost lost my voice (partly due to green day though). AS usual they made their jokes, although not as many, they didn't have quite as long as if they were the only headliner. It was fun, overall.

About security, I would get into this now but I am actually going to write a letter or two and an editorial for a few newspapers regarding it, so I will post those when they are done. For anyone going to the Tweeter Center in Chicago (or even the other one, i can't think of where it is) e-mail me, leave me a note, or sign the guestbook and I will let you know what to bring and not to bring as the policy has changed dramatically. Let's just say that they wouldn't even let me bring in a chapstick.

Thought of the Day:

no thought, just anger. I am going to start writing those letters tonight.

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