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The current mood of at

Dulling party, van mishap, death by way of the gym
07.08.02 @ 15:21

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: Dogma on Comedy Central

hello hello. there's really nothing going on. My brother is on his bed right now sleeping.

Saturday I had to go to the family party thing for my godson Ryan's birthday. I think they would be better if Dorothy didn't have a million people there, most of whom are her family. There's maybe ten people (usually less) from Kevin's (my cousin) side of the family. So just after the presents were opened I left. I really wanted to leave earlier but my brother didn't seem to want to leave. Well, also on Saturday, the transmission on the van went out. I guess it happened in some hick town in Wisconsin. So eventually he made it into Green Bay. Of all the places to get stuck, he gets stuck in Green Bay. He eventually decided to rent a car and drove home. Now we have a car with Wisconsin plates, that he doesn't want to drive. Tomorrow we get to go back up and pick up the van.

Yesterday I really didn't do much. I went to the gym, killed myself basically. Although it felt great.

Today has been another nothing day. I went for a bike ride around Oak Forest. I didn't go to far because the back of my legs are still sore from the gym yesterday.

I got one of those guestmap thingies and get rid of the guestbook. We'll see how it works out.

Thought of the Day:

One of my favorite songs.

TU VUO' FA L'AMERICANO (Talented Mr. Ripley Soundtrack)

Artist: Renato Carosone

Puort� o calzone cu' 'nu stemma arreto,

'na cappulella cu 'a visiera alzata.

Passe scampanianno pe' Tuleto

comme a' nu guappo p� te f� guard� !

Tu vu� fa l'americano! ''mmericano! mmericano !"

Siente a me, chi t'ho fa fa? Tu vuoi vivere alla moda

ma si beve "whisky and soda " p� te sente disturb�.

Tu abballe'o "RoccoRoll " tu giochi al "basebal"

ma' i soldi p� Camel chi te li d�?....

La borsetta di mamm�! Tu vu� fa l'americano

"mmericano!, mmericano!" ma si nato in Italy!

Siente a mme non c'� sta niente a ffa Okay, napolitan!

Tu vu� fa l'american! Tu vu� fa l'american!

Comme te p� cap� chi te v� bene

si tu le parle 'mmiezzo americano?

Quando se fa l'ammore sotto 'a luna

comme te vene 'capa e d�: "I love you!?"

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