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It's all coming back to me now..........
07.29.02 @ 21:38

Diaryring of the Day:
Now Playing: My brother is play his Dynasty Warriors three game, it's quite boring if you ask me

OK, heres whats going on in my head. I wanna do something to my hair so that the color gel that I have stands out. My hair is too dark. And I never thought I would say that. I think I'm going to bleach/color the tips blonde so that the color (Blue and Purple are the colors I have at the moment) stands out. I'm taking my grandmother to the hairdresser tomorrow, so I'll ask if she has time, otherwise I'll just make an appointment later in the week (Hopefully before thursday). I'll ask her what she recommeds the tipping or just dying it a lighter shade. I don't want the frosting garbage, I like my hair color though. I dunno.

Okay another thing. My brother just got back and has some Canadian money (he had to exchange so that he could buy something that he wanted). He wanted to go to the Currency Exchange. I had a feeling that it wasn't going to get done. And of course, the Currency Exchange doesn't exchange currency. Isn't that like false advertising or something along those lines? That's like naming a store something like Groceries and not selling food. Or saying its a bar with no alcohol being served. Now I gotta find a stupid bank for him so that he can exchange his money.

And my keyboard is being a pain in the ass so if there are letters missing I apologize.

Anyways, I am going to go upstairs and write. Yes finally I am going to write. I need to get back to work on my Orgy/Filter fanfiction. I keep starting them and then becoming unhappy with them and eck. Hopefully I'll be able to finish this one and ge tto the Our Lady Peace/Filter one. As ya can prolly tell I luv Filter, plus from what I've heard from other people, Richard Patrick is very similar to me, cynical, anti-social, disgusted with people, so it's very easy to just throw him in there. If anyone has any crazy ideas that they would like me to try out let me know. I would luv to get more ideas than the dirty ones I get.

Okay is there anyone else that thinks David Bowie looks absolutely amazing??? I really think he looks amazing with Iman. I never thought that I would say that anyone looks great with anyone (Except Sting and Trudie, couldn't see one without the other). But I think they look incredible. Iman is just gorgeous. Does anyone want to create an Our Lady Peace or Filter layout? I would, but my html skills aren't quite up there yet. I'd luv you if you did.

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